Monday, November 19, 2012

Profile SCREW

SCREW adalah band yang bisa dibilang masih tergolong baru di dunia Visual Kei, Sebelumnya bergabung dangan SCREW Byo (Vo.) dan Yuuto (Ba.) adalah mantan member JOKER.

SCREW sendiri berarti Sekrup / Neji. Kata SCREW di cetuskan oleh Byo sang vokalis.

Dalam hal musik SCREW sedikit banyak terinspirasi oleh Kagerou, dari segi vokal suara Byo terdengar seperti Daisuke (Kagerou vo.). Walaupun tidak seberat suara yang dihasil Byo ketika masih di JOKER, tapi terdengan semakin berintonasi.
Mereka menampilkan corak musik yang beragam dan campur aduk. kadang terdengar heavy dan kadang pula Mellow, tapi pada dasarnya mereka menampilkan musik yang apik dan bagus.

Dilihat dari penampilan, kostum yang mereka kenakan selalu di dominasi dengan unsur ungu yang di padupadankan dengan motif dan warna lain. Pada dasarnya ungu adalah mencirikan SCREW, walaupun begitu kostum mereka selalu terlihat menarik untuk di lihat. Tapi ketika mereka join ke PSC ntah kenapa unsur ungu itu hilang begitu saja  :'(


date of birth: February 9
blood type: B
birthplace: Tokyo
height: 172
weight: 52
PC: it's old
hamster's name: purin
hobby: skull goods
things glad to get: tobacco, clothes, silver accessories (haha, not bad!

cigarettes: Pianissimo one
ring size: 15~~19
favorite food: home made tonkotsu ramen/curry/pasta/ karamucho/ 'umaibou' [delicious stick]
favourite drink: orange juice/café ore/aqua blue asahi
favourite brand: CHROME HEARTS/Justin Davis/D&G
former member of
[Alice]∽Madiel(YURIA) →Kagerou roadie→ 伍百円札 [Gohyaku] (as Toge) → JOKER(Toge) → SCREW(Byo)

Kazuki (Gu)

date of birth: August 5
blood type: 0
birthplace: Tottori
height: 175
weight: 58
cigarettes: Marlboro Menthol Light
ring size: 17~19
favorite food: takowasa (raw octopus marinated in wasabi)/beer
favourite drink: beer/pocari sweat
favourite brand: ROYAL ORDER/Justin Davis/asahi

former member of
Clover → (V-Friends) → SCREW

Manabu (Gu)(new member)

birthday :June 23
blood type :A
constellation :cancer
cigarette :lucky strike
favorite brand :FPPFM/ TK/ Paul Smith
former member of SHINTOKUMARU

Yuuto (Ba & programming)

date of birth:  June 19
blood type: B
birthplace: Tokyo
height: 173
weight: 53

cigarettes: doesn't smoke  :D
ring size: 15~~19
favorite food: healthy food
favourite drink: plum wine (umesyu)
favourite brand: NUMBER (N)INE/adidas

former member of
伍百円札 [Gohyaku] →JOKER→gossip(as UJ)→SCREW

Jin (Dr)

date of birth:  July 22
blood type: A
birthplace: Kumamoto
height: 166
weight: is…
cigarettes: Sakurando
ring size: 15~19
favorite food: egg-tofu/ ice-cream/tonkotsu ramen/meat
favourite drink: cola/ coffee
favourite brand: WORLD WIDE LOVE/e-66/Justin Davis
likes: comedy

former member of

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